The scope of the workshop series is the lastest research on emprical studies in applied microeconomics.
Organizers: Haruko Noguchi, Hideo Owan, and Yuta Toyama
Industry Dynamics with Shipping Cartels: The Case of the Container Shipping Industry
Returns to Education in the Marriage Market
Factory Automation, Labor Demand, and Local Labor Market
Why Do People Choose Alternative Work Arrangements? Evidence from A Survey Experiment
Immigration, Robots, and American Lives
Heating Price and Infant Health
Estimating Recruitment Elasticity in the Multi-stage and Bilateral Job Matching Process
Pay inequality, fairness perceptions, and work effort: Experimental evidence from China
Female Labor Supply and International Trade
Learning to Reduce Waste
Congestion-Quality Tradeoff: Evidence from Japanese Long-Term Care Facilities
Managing Patronage: The Effects of City Managers on Local Civil Services in Italy
Jobs for Votes: Patronage and Performance in Tammany Hall’s NYPD
The Economic Dynamics of City Structure: Evidence from Hiroshima's Recovery