We welcome everyone who is interested in the latest research and discussion on macroeconomics and finance. Please feel free to contact organizers if you are coming from outside Waseda.
Organizers: Munechika Katayama (mkatayama@waseda.jp) / Similan Rujiwattanapong (sruji@waseda.jp) / Kozo Ueda / Masashige Hamano
Effects of Bank Capital Requirements on Lending by Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions
Internal talks
Internal talks
The Bank of Japan’s monetary policy from a rhetoric analysis perspective
Automation, Fragmentation, and Changes in Comparative Advantage
Housing Bubbles with Phase Transitions
Learning and Expectations in Dynamic Spatial Economies (with Jingting Fan and Fernando Parro)
Yield curve control in Japan (with Bin Wei) / How Do Gamblers React to Wins? Evidence from Bank Transaction Data in Japan (with Kozo Ueda)
Pricing Implication of Centrality in an OTC Derivative Market: An Empirical Analysis Using Transaction-Level CDS Data
Breaking the Trilemma: Seigniorage, Endogenous Remittances, and Digital Currency
Aggregating Distortions in Networks with Multi-Product Firms
Spatially Targeted LTV Policies and Collateral Values
Inspecting the Mechanism of Diagnostic Expectations: An Analytical Approach
Climate change and Declining labor share
A structural measure of the shadow federal funds rate
Growth Through Innovation Bursts
Trade Networks and Currency Choices / Consumption Tax Reform and its Welfare Implication in Japan
From Perception to Expectation: The Role of GenAI Job Replacement in Shaping Economic Outlooks and Behavioral Views
From Population Growth to TFP Growth
What Is Consumer Confidence?
Inflation Pass-through in Production Networks // Frequency and Severity of Current Account Reversals: An Analysis with a Rational Expectation Regime Switching DSGE Model