This page offers the latest information about workshop series by WINPEC (Waseda Institute of Political Economy).


This is an informal workshop to discuss latest research and work in progress on microeconomics. We meet (mostly) on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, 16:30-18:00, during term time.

Organizers: Tsuyoshi Adachi, Patrick DeJarnette, Yoshio Kamijo, Kohei Kawamura*, Dmitriy Kvasov, RĂ³bert Veszteg
* Contact person for AY2021/22
For the latest information, please see
If you would like to attend any of the talks below, please feel free to contact Kohei Kawamura for the Zoom link.

Seminar Calendar

  • Spring and Summer

  • Fall and Winter

The schedule can be improted using this URL link