Data in Luck vs. Capability
  • Causality : an answer to the seven-point scale question on the extent to which the consequence is chosen
  • Responsibility : an answer to the seven-point scale question on the extent to which the person is responsible for the consequence
  • Selfburden : an answer to the seven-point scale question on the extent to which the person should bear the expenses due to the consequence
  • BruteLuck : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject answered in the brute luck condition, and as 0 for answers in the optional luck condition
  • NonBC :a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject answered in the non-basic capability condition, and as 0 for answers in the basic capability condition
  • Deliberation : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject read the deliberation version text, and as 0 if otherwise
  • Intuition : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject read the intuition version text, and as 0 if otherwise
  • Trafficaccident : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject read the Traffic Accident scenario, and as 0 if otherwise
  • Occupationalchoice : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject read the Occupational Choice scenario, and as 0 if otherwise
  • Age : the age of a subject
  • Female : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if a subject is female, and as 0 if otherwise
  • OrderBr : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if the questions were arranged in the following order: BrNc, OpNc, BrBc, and OpBc
  • OrderBC : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if the questions were arranged in the following order: OpBc, OpNc, BrBc, and BrNc
  • OrderC : a dummy variable, which was coded as 1 if the questions were arranged either in the order OpNc, OpBc, BrNc, and BrBc, or OpBc, OpNc, BrBc, and BrNc